Another turn of the sun, but this time feels different.
Approaching a turning point.
The road is closed, I look for signs to show the way.
To Where? To What? I don't know.
The status quo ain't so no more.
There's an nagging whisper in the winds of change
To be meaningful, no longer sensible!
The older I get the less I know,
remaining questions are unanswerable.
My role as parent
is no longer about being the leader.
I don't have to know what's best...
It's not letting go, it's just walking slower...
and as their steps outpace,
I just watch them go.
Now its time for pause
Meno, Andro, take your pick!
When the body you took for granted
demands your care
and sometimes your concern.
Then you realize that the restlessness...
The Ur g e n c y
is justified...
And reality hits like a cold, hard thump!
You know that pit inside your stomach that you
felt in your 30's?
That "Is this all there is?" ache?
It's back, but this time not so rebellious.
More somber, because more is at stake.
The path left to walk is less
than the path you've laid.
And for a moment you look around, a little dazed.
Maybe a little afraid?!
That the destination is
too close for comfort.