Oh, what shall you discover in the True Blue devotion of your soul?

We have been blessed to be born during a time in human history with options available to us. We have Choice, in every area of our existence. But bountiful options can overwhelm our psyche.
Choice often leads us to “chasing too many rabbits” and catching none. How many rabbits are you chasing today? What great opportunities and special relationships have slipped through your grasp because of your lack of commitment?
With so many options and opportunities, how do we know what is our One Thing?
Society tries to tell us what we should chase, yet if its not our truth it feels false and as a result we feel dissatisfied, depressed and lost.
We must have the courage to recognize our One Thing, and bravely devote our Self to it. Listen to your inner wisdom – the Wise One. It never misguides you. It is your Truth, calling you, beseeching, nudging. Have the courage to follow its messages.
Don’t let the Others judge or mislead you, for they speak from Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. Their F.U.D. is not your truth!
When you find your One Thing
Plunge Head First (choose wisely)
Heart Full (be devoted)
All in (Complete focus)
When you choose One Thing, you are not closing off or shutting out
To a new depth of your soul, a deep blue ocean of truth and purpose manifested.
For Once in your life, choose to fully committed. Surrender your options. Trust your inner wisdom, allow it to lead you. Be brave enough to listen and take action!
Choose One Thing and go ALL In. ~Kat